Last Friday, I drove from Bellefonte to the Village at Penn State to join Chaleece Sandberg to go to a group about Aphasia.
When I got there, I realized that I had gone there once before. Char Morett and I had gone to see soccer coach Walt Bahr.
The Director of Resident Services at the Village at Penn State, Kim, introduced me as we waited for Chaleece. I told Kim that I played soccer at Penn State, and she said to me that one of her residents worked soccer at Penn State, and he is around 90+ years old. His name is Ron Coder.
Ron Coder’s sons went to school with me. The oldest son, Ron Coder, was a year older than me and played football at Penn State and Seattle. The younger son, Craig Coder, was younger than me and was friends with my brother, Ricardo. Craig’s wife, Karen Pesto, went to Havertown (where I grew up) and played Lacrosse. In 1978, the Lacrosse won the USWLA National Champions (before the NCAA started). The Time Magazine in June 26, 1978, had Karen on the cover title. I graduated from 1973 to 1977 and was good friends with Karen, Char, and me.
I remember these stories even with Aphasia; these small worlds are enormous.
The story about Ron Coder was on this website.
The other small world was another soccer player, Dicke Packer, on the website above. I met Dick Packer and Walt Bahr in 2010 with this photo.